Ethereum sped up their processes in a 25%

According to recent reports, after the fork Muir Glacier of Ethereum, the processing time per block is reduced by 25%. According to the statistics, the span of time went from 17 seconds to 12,69 seconds. Despite the relative bad year happened Ethereum in 2019, everything indicates that they are determined to 2020 is your year. That is why you started with the right foot with the hard fork Muir Glacier. Although Istanbul took place less than a month ago, since ETH does not want to lose time to improve the performance of the criptomoneda. And this is noted in the new update took place. Once Muir Glacier occurred on the 2nd of January, the clients of Ethereum started to notice the difference. The most important of all was the reduction in the processing time per block. Before the bifurcation, were required approximately 17 seconds to complete each block. But, then of Muir Glacier, it was possible to reduce this time by 25%, making the processing will last only 12,69 seconds. This not only helped to reduce the amount of time, but it is also likely that the supply of Ethereum to grow by approximately 25%. The amount of tokens extracted after the bifurcation increased from 10,000 ETH 12,000 ETH. Experts expect that the issue is set around 13,500 ETH.


Even take inflation into account

Although all seem to be good news, there are still a few factors that need to be taken into account. One of them is the rate of inflation. According to some experts, it is expected that the inflation rate is set around 5% a year. However, it is believed that will increase in the summer of 2020, if and when we launch the PoS hybrid. After this, the inflation rate will stabilize in mid-2021. When the PoW is discarded completely, it is expected that the rate of inflation is maintained around 0.22%.

A hard road to Ethereum

For now, Ethereum is enjoying a small victory in its history, giving a step closer to Serenity, the update that, in theory, should change the future of the criptomoneda. However, the history of this digital currency has been fraught with setbacks and delays. It is assumed that the criptomoneda had to change to PoS several years ago. In fact, Muir Glacier is working as a tool to incentivize investors that are committed to the ETH. In this way, is encouraged to increase the speed with which it develops Ethereum. For now, the transition from PoW to PoW is a situation extremely complex. And it is normal for Ethereum, as a pioneer in the area, have some delays and problems. But, despite this, the developers are confident that eventually they will achieve their goal. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of International Studies, interested in new technologies and their impact on the world. A true believer that tenacity is the foundation of success.

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