Background of cryptocurrencies of Andreessen Horowitz

The venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) is preparing to something important in the crypto world. Has reported that it closed its second fund of cryptocurrencies with $ 515 million in committed capital. The recent news seem to indicate that the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz is among the great believers in the world of cryptocurrencies.


Andreessen Horowitz invests in the world of cryptocurrencies

The firm was founded in 2009 by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz. Born with the aim to support the entrepreneurs bold who build the future through the technology, ensures your main page. Now, two years after the company managed to raise $300 million for its first fund dedicated to Bitcoin and other projects of cryptocurrencies, the firm has managed to raise a second fund with a history quite similar. The firm said Thursday that it had raised a total of $515 million, more than the initial goal set at $450 million for its second fund called “Crypto Fund II”. Without a doubt, mark an unprecedented event to exceed the amount raised in the fund in 2018. In the announcement, Chris Dixon, co-leader of the fund, he hoped to see the launch of numerous new businesses Blockchain. Will this be what you need to the world of cryptocurrencies?

What is the difference between the funds?

In the publication of the firm, a16z reported that it was investigating projects specifically related to next-generation payment, finance decentralised (DeFi), new models of monetization and Web3. In particular, DeFi has a high potential in the componibilidad of the assets. In this way, points out that these are some of the areas where people have already been building, however, only scratches the surface of possible applications. However, this marks a significant contrast with the first background of cryptocurrencies. In his thesis of initial investment, the VC mentioned numerous cases of use interesting. Some of them were the stablecoins, financial inclusion and the tokenization of the assets of the real world. Now, a warning is included stating that “we are still at the beginning of the crypto movement.” It also stresses the need for the infrastructure is improved since still apps are difficult to use. In this way, this new background tells us something very interesting. And it is showing that some investors are still willing to back projects Blockchain. Even after the recent volatility in the prices of the cryptocurrencies and the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19.

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