Bitcoin: a Sudden breakthrough because of scalability, “unlikely”, say BitMEX-researchers

Researchers at one of the largest Bitcoin-derivatives-giants of the faith: One should not wait for a certain Innovation, Bitcoin helps to make the breakthrough.


BitMEX: Bitcoin will “improve slowly”

BitMEX Research, the analytical Department of BitMEX, presented a new forecast, according to which Tools such as the Lightning Network, Bitcoin is not overnight change.
“Bitcoin is likely to experience any sudden technological breakthrough that provides the scalability and data protection, the users want”, said in conclusion.

“Instead, it can improve Bitcoin over the years, slowly. Individual Upgrades are not only taken advantage of, but complement, especially each other.“

The view stands in contrast to that of many commentators, the hope that through new products and services interest in Bitcoin comes in.
Others think that progress in the scaling – and in particular the Lightning Network, will enable it to reach the average consumer at a broad level.
Also BitMEX highlights Lightning – along with other technologies, such as Segregated Witness (“SegWit”) and Schnorr signatures. These should work together to support Bitcoin, they say. The end result would be, according to the report: “improved scalability and data protection”.

Samson Mow: “We are ahead of the demand far”

The comments correspond to those of the block stream CSO Samson Mow last weekend. In an interview with the crypto-News Portal Decrypt Mow also stressed his great confidence in Lightning. At the same time, he added, but Its effect was just the result of the User efforts to spread it.
“Lightning needs to grow organically, there is no real way to speed it up artificially. People need to open channels, Bitcoins curls and with the other nodes to connect to,“ he said to the Portal.
Lightning currently has approximately 35,000 channels that are available to the Public. This is the method that the users of BTC-money send.
“We are ahead of the growth curve and of the demand for the use of Lightning at the present time, far,” added Mow.
The current slowdown in the Bitcoin price development is now a cause for concern Was exaggerated, the previous optimism of 2019 possibly similar?
Analysts are now of a longer-term view – especially with regard to the halving of the Block reward (“Halving”) the next may. Various models suggest that the event should be a turning point for Bitcoin – at least it was the case with previous Halvings.
Until then, the price should remain as the renowned Stock-to-Flow-forecast-tool finds, with a mean of approximately 8,300 U.S. dollars, at the least, a bit flat.
Text evidence: bitcoinis, ANJA VAN OOSTERHOUT

Cryptocurrency Market