Bitmain will give the first halving: massive layoffs

A key issue for 2020 is one that has been discussed from 2019, being the contentious halving of Bitcoin. This issue has been considered and discussed by professionals from all over the world, however, the more attentive they have been miners and partners. Therefore, in this occasion we bring you the posture of Bitmain, and the proclaimed first halving by the year 2020.



To begin, a brief summary of the halving of Bitcoin and their impact on Bitmain, emphasizing that for more details on the event, we have an article about it. Basically, the halving consists in cutting by half the profits gained by the miners for their work. From this idea comes the name of halving, being a reference to half in English. It is estimated that the event will occur in march 2020. It should be noted that this event is organized by the community, crypto and this is not the first time that this has happened. In addition, as you can imagine, this event will have an impact on associated with mining. In this case, the of the largest producer of hardware for mining Bitcoin in the world, Bitmain. This is a direct impact to their unique consumers, to your way of working.

Response from Bitmain

Before the situation with the halving, the people of Bitmain have started to take action to be prepared before the event. It should be noted that the first steps of the company was to change its business strategy. In our article “Bitmain has a strategy with the Halving of Bitcoin”, we put forward the new perspective of the company to serve its customers. However, it was only the beginning of a series of internal changes in the organization of the company. The average news chinese, Wushuo Blockchain, announced that from the factory that assembles the hardware, to those working in the office, they could be laid off. Apparently, Bitmain has launched a plan of optimisation of staff, which seems to be another purge of employees. We refer to another purge because of 2019 has been a year of layoffs on the part of Bitmain all over the world. Either by being associated with Bitcoin Cash, or by working on a site as complicated as Israel. The analyst Dovey Wan, being advisor to various media and companies, comments that this plan Bitmain seems to bounce 50% of their workforce.

“Before the halving of Bitcoin, Bitmain will reduce even more the half of its staff to the chinese New Year this could be the first “halving” of 2020, I guess… it is Commonly embellished as “人员 结构 优化” (optimization of the structure of the employees) for chinese companies”. Emphasizing that she was the one who named this plan as of the first halving of 2020, because it will be half of their work force for fear of the great halving. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of economics, interested in innovation and technological development, always faithful to that tomorrow will be a better day.

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