BTC proof-of-Keys [Jan/3➞₿?∎] Put your Bitcoin from the Exchange

Today Exactly 11 years ago, of the first Block of the Bitcoin Blockchain mined was. The so-called Genesis Block-was the Foundation stone of the now largest and most secure decentralized network in the world. On this occasion, the annual Proof-of-Keys Event will take place today, the financial sovereignty of BTC celebrated and is to be reviewed. All owners of BTC is to check if your Bitcoin are really in the Exchange and this is liquid. Have you checked your Coins already?


BTC is the answer to our unstable financial system

Last week the crypto Monday reported on the Upcoming Proof-of-Keys Event.
Although BTC is of Satoshi Nakamoto, was designed as a counterpart to the ailing banking system, we now have a similar Situation in the Bitcoin distribution. A large part of the BTC on the Wallets of the stock exchanges and brokers, and is not in the hands of the actual owner. The Proof-of-Key Event is intended to draw attention to, and the Trustee and third parties to verify. You really have all our BTC in stock and they are ready for the payment? What would happen if all BTC owners would deduct on the same day your Funds?

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The BTC Genesis Block contains secrets

The Genesis Block is the first Block in the Bitcoin Blockchain mentioned. In this is hidden between the lines a little message:

“The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”

Freely translated it means: “The Times headline on 3. January 2009: Chancellor is on the brink of second Bank bailout“. Bitcoin is a reaction to the banking crisis, and so the motivation, the reasons become clear quickly behind Bitcoin. Because Satoshi Nakamoto is a single Person or group that is assigned to whether it is clear of the Cypher-punk movement. This has, for decades, for privacy and Free Knowledge. The most well-known CypherPunks of our time are Snowden, Julian Assange and Edward.

Big BTC Exchanges are getting hacked again

Unfortunately, it happens again and again: Even the big BTC exchanges have been hacked and have lost currencies a lot of BTC and other Crypto. For some, this meant even the bankrupt, and the customers remained in their loss of seats. Read our Bitcoin exchanges comparison, and even which stock exchange you choose to trust want. In the image below, all stock exchange listed hacks with the respective losses of the past year, 2019. No matter where you buy Kryptos, you should not let you on the Exchange are!

Hardware Wallet is the best way to HODLen

At first your BTC on a Hardware Wallet. They have no Internet connection, or other Connections to the outside and can be hacked. Hardware Wallets are suitable especially for HODLer, so people who want to keep their BTC in the long term. Read our article to all of the forms of Wallets, and understand the meaning and the functions of Wallets in General. With the Proof-of-Key Event and pull your BTC from the Exchange!

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[Image Source: Shutterstock]

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