Cindicator is launching the first hedge fund for crypto-currency quantitative, fed by intelligence-hybrid

17 December 2019 by Océane

The platform of crypto-analysis of the market price Cindicator informs the public of the launch of its first hedge fund, quantitative of crypto-currencies based on intelligence hybrid.


A fund of crypto-currencies linked to the intelligence hybrid

A press release tells of the intentions of Cindicator about its new fund of crypto-currencies for investment strategies and data-based intelligence hybrid.
Mike Brusov, the co-founder and CEO of Cindicator explains :

“The ecosystem Cindicator is entering a new stage of its development, in preparing to integrate external capital funds, family offices, venture capital funds, institutional investors and high net worth individuals. The combination of the human spirit, collective and artificial intelligence provides a single data source, and sustainable for the research alpha “.

Encourage the efforts of analysts forecast

Cindicator has invested nearly $ 500,000 of his cash in the strategies of the fund. This amount will gradually be boosted to 2.5 million over the coming months.
The international society of technology financial will use a portion of the income of the fund for paying analysts based on their intellectual work, and the accuracy of their speculation.
In addition, the company has created the internet application the “Edge” earlier this year, with the capacity to investigate approximately 150 virtual currencies. This application can guide investors undecided, according to the calculation of probabilities of various events concerning the world of digital tokens.
Cindicator also stressed the support of its virtual currency native DNGS on Kyber Network in August. This token is listed on Allbit the past few months, a branch decentralized crypto-exchange south-Korean Upbit.
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