The company behind the development of Zcash, Electric Coin Company (ECC), and the Foundation Zcash, a nonprofit organization that promotes a greater scalability of the criptomoneda, are faced by the management of the brand, a dispute that has gone up in tone during the last week after the failure of negotiations for its commercial control.The foundation said in a statement that the ECC had made public his intention to establish an agreement with them for the business management of the brand Zcash, but that now they were “surprised and dismayed” after Zooko Wilcox, founder and executive director of the company, announced that it had not yet come to a legal agreement mutually acceptable.Although the ECC admits that he made a public announcement on a potential deal, the company said that there is a disagreement on the strategy that you must follow in order to manage the trademark. The main difference is that the ECC has agreed a deal multifirma or double veto, in which both would have the power to prevent unilaterally the use of the mark. Now, however, they dismiss it.
The brand Zcash remains the exclusive property of ECC. We have publicly committed (I, personally, as to the ECC as a corporation) that always and when we are the only manager of the brand, we will use it to honor the decision of the community in the process of current government.Zooko Wilcox, founder of Zcash.
“Theatre of decentralization”
As a result, the foundation unveiled that slowed down any progress or decision-making with regard to the fourth update of the network (NU4) scheduled for 2020. In addition, he assured that the organization is not established to a “theatre of decentralization” and that does not lend legitimacy to a “process gap”.“This is a critical moment in the governance of Zcash and we hope that the ECC recognizes the gravity of its decision. Re-engaging with this agreement would demonstrate to the community in general that the ECC is concerned legitimately by his promises and by limiting his royal power in the ecosystem,” said the foundation.The friction between the ECC and the non-profit foundation occur at a time when the profitability of mining in Zcash falls to a historical minimum. In addition, last July, it was reported that Zcash may migrate to a new blockchain to improve their privacy and their scalability.At the time of writing this article Zcash are listed in USD 44,94 per unit, with a market capitalization of more than USD 330 million, according to CoinMarketCap.