Do androids dream of Bitcoins? – Breaking News

Opens the door of the laboratory, a metallic screech announces that the hinges have not been used in a long time. The lights of the monitors you glare, there are dozens of them everywhere, on the walls, on the floor, on the ceiling, showing numbers at full speed, operations unintelligible to a mere human like you. You only see numbers until suddenly all the screens go blank at the same time, a beep reaches your ears as a figure on the screens in front of you. Entrecierras a little the eyes to see despite the brightness, and you tell the face of a asian man. That gives you back the look and with a smile she starts to speak: “Hello, I am Satoshi Nakamoto”. This is more or less the picture that is drawn by the latest conspiracy theory that shakes the crypto world about the identity of the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, then the alleged revelation of their identity in three parts, with event advertising by medium, is found to be a fiasco that has not convinced the vast majority of crypto users. It is No surprise that there is this type of attention on the identity of the creator of Bitcoin, and is that the same has remained anonymous since the launch of the currency for more than a decade, which has made it impossible to contact the creator of BTC for their opinions or stories. But back to the latest conspiracy theory behind the identity of Nakamoto, we have a proposal that is straight out of the pages of a best-seller, science fiction, presented by the Twitter user, Nick Hinton, according to which Satoshi Nakamoto would actually be an artificial intelligence housed in a quantum computer in the future, that would have gone back in time to launch the Bitcoin. However, the purpose of this artificial intelligence would not be benign, since the “Skynet” of Hinton, would have as its goal the creation of a global network through which to take over the world thanks to the Bitcoins. And there is evidence of this, of course. And is that Hinton’s based his entire theory on a specific block of the chain blocks of the Blockchain, which would possess a combination of numbers so specific that would remind the block Genesis, the first block ever mined, in addition to making reference to “An exceptionally simple theory of everything”.

A combination like this could only come from the future And who would have the ability to take a trip in time? Because a quantum computer of course, since “The quantum computers are potentially capable of working in multiple universes at the same time. Perhaps one of these machines worked with universes in a very distant future. In fact, the sequence numbers of the block had been slow to 3.3 DECILLONES of years to appear”.

Therefore, the theory of Satoshi Nakamoto being an artificial intelligence of the future cobra force in the reasoning of Hanton. And this raises many other questions of importance, as, for example, do artificial intelligences have gender? What will remain human in the future? What Trump will be re-elected in 2020? What the machines say “hasta la vista baby”? Only the future will bring us answers to these questions and others. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.


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