“I’m going to have my penis not to eat it’

John McAfee is coming back to bet by the end of 2017. He said McAfee, is that bitcoin is by the end of 2020, a million dollars would be the. If that doesn’t happen, then he would have his genitals eaten.
Now it is the year 2020, and it feels like McAfee is most likely the pressure of his judgment:


It was all a ruse

In his tweet, says McAfee, which are the prediction list to the users to attract. Most likely, it refers to its own platform, with a decentralized exchange to trade in the cryptocurrency s.
That list has worked for a lot of nieuwsplatforms have been written about his prediction. And, yes, we have many articles have been written about him.

Bitcoin is the Ford Model T

According to John McAfee, has been bitcoin, a old-fashioned technology. Newer blockchains’ are, according to him, the more potential in the area of security, privacy, smart contracts, distributed apps, and much more. This indicates that he is likely to altcoins, such as canon EOS, Stellar and Monero.
McAfee does not believe that bitcoin is the future, he is comparing bitcoin to the Ford T. That is, it is the first car that was mass made. The model T Ford was a revolutionary, but was later surpassed by other models of cars. McAfee believes that bitcoin is the same fate is in store for.

$ 1 million, it is perhaps optimistic

However, John McAfee, and even a chance to make it right with his prediction? It seems to be right on. This site keeps track of how much bitcoin is still a need to increase before this prediction comes true. As bitcoin by the end of 2020, one million u.s. dollars, the exchange rate is now about $ 175,000 to work on. That is still a long way off.
And predictions are spoken, the venture capitalist Tim Draper believes that bitcoin is, after the block halving can go up to $ 250,000. Therefore, he reasons, among other things, the growth of the Lightning Network, as well as the adoption of a child among women.
What do you think the bitcoin price will be by the end of 2020? Please let us know in a comment!

Cryptocurrency Market