Monero suffers a loss: FluffyPony

In the history of the cryptocurrencies there have been a variety of coins. With various golden ages in the time, in which they highlighted different names. The first highlight was Monero, with a complicated history. However, the day has just suffered a major loss, FluffyPony.


The history of Monero

Before anything else, we must make a brief introduction about Monero in order to understand these events. Starting that XMR was born as a complement to Bitcoin, focused on the Internet payments. However, its history as a platform has been complicated. What happened was that being open-source, various actors decided to use the harmful. Designed various malwares that hackeaban users and violated devices. In this way mining XMR without the people realize, tallying up havoc. It is at this point that Riccardo “FluffyPony” Spagni appears, being the head of maintenance of Monero. Among their duties was to maintain the stability of the services with XMR. Between their work and modification managed to reduce these malwares. Spagni, which has a history of five years with the current incarnation of Monero, has become a celebrity in the industry, mainly due to his active participation in the social networks. In particular, the ironic humor of Spagni has earned the appreciation and the scorn in equal measure, the latter often derived from the supporters of the projects that you choose to criticize. However, it came to his order to his guard to continue to other work.

Shift change

In a blog posting of communications Monero got to know the change of FluffyPony. Stressing that changed the sector of security changes. The press release can highlight the following: “Fluffypony has served the project Monero during its five years of existence, and will continue to be active in the community as a maintainer,” reads the blog post. In terms of the choice of Snipa as a replacement, the publication added: “Snipa has contributed for a long time to Monero. He is best known for developing a popular piece of software of group Monero and support the network with nodes that are well connected. Has a substantial experience in coding and auditing, and a desire to improve the processes of Monero”. While it is a loss for the team of maintenance of Monero, XMR should be maintained without the support. The following two tabs change content below. I am a student of economics, interested in innovation and technological development, always faithful to that tomorrow will be a better day.

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