The correctional court in Evry judge a case involving a client of two employees of Bitysmart

September 17, 2019 by Clementine

A lawsuit has been filed against individuals who have revolted against the company Bitysmart following a crypto-scam online.


70 000 € missing in Bitysmart

Eleven people have been involved in a case, eight of which have been directly accused of attempted extortion, forcible confinement and aggravated robbery. A customer would have placed 70 000 € with Bitysmart, a company engaged in the event.
Bitysmart works with Bitcraft to provide the services to crypto-investment. Curiously, according to the claims of the customer, the existence of this deposit has been ignored by Bitysmart.
The victim is then made at the seat of Bitysmart to Morangis, to get clarification on her situation, but officials have not given a clear answer to his query.
In fact, they have contacted Bitcraft, however, the society of crypto-investment was reassured that it was only a technical failure. But in truth, the fund of 70 000 € are gone.

The discontent returned on the two employees

After a month and a half of non-consideration, the unsatisfied customer would have used the great means, and was accompanied by other persons for uttering death threats.
Criminals have extorted elements in order to find the identity of the employees, in order to commit acts of bullying. Four computers have been removed in this fuss.
By searching through the data Bitysmart, they have discovered a sum of 17000 € on the account of the company. No wait, the employees were forcibly taken to the premises of the bank BNP for the transfer of these funds, with oversight comparable to that of robbers.
During the trial, most defendants who have done justice to themselves have recognized their harm and have incurred a penalty ranging from two months to one year suspended sentence.
What do you think of this case of fraud related to crypto-currencies in Bitysmart in the city of Morangis ? Respond in the comment section below.
Source : LeParisien
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Passionate about the universe geek, Clementine finds the news more interesting and involved in their drafting.

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