The interest of universities per Bitcoin offers greater recognition to the ecosystem | Breaking News


Key facts:

21 of the world’s leading universities offer courses on the blockchain, according to Coinbase.The academy may give Bitcoin recognition and validation as a technology.In the last few years has increased the range of courses on Bitcoin at the universities, thus providing an institutional space for their study. This academic opening may reveal a change of thought. Bitcoin is a financial tool marginalized, to become a novel technology with a lot of potential.The opening has not been exclusive of the universities, but also government entities and society. In a world where change is a constant, and where new methods of communication and governance are beginning to gain momentum, Bitcoin is no longer a far-fetched idea, and is presented as an interesting proposal. If this were not enough, the interest for the technologies blockchains at the enterprise level open job opportunities, even to favor those with knowledge in the ecosystem.The picture gets clear. Technologies blockchains have become a topic of interest to government, a source of jobs and a contribution of importance to the technological advancement in this century.This phenomenon does not go unnoticed to the authorities of the university, who in one way or another, they must incorporate new knowledge to their educational offer, so as not to become out of date. In the same way, every time are more the experts in the ecosystem of the cryptocurrencies involved in the universities to provide fresh information about this technology.It is as well as the academy little by little begins to participate in the educational development of this sector. According to data from Coinbase, 21 of the top 50 universities in the world offer courses on cryptocurrencies.Universities hispanic have not been left behind, as institutions, mexican, chilean, peruvian and venezuelan it also provides specialized classes. The proliferation of centers for the study of Bitcoin at the university level gives recognition and validation to the ecosystem, while the authorities and the students are kept abreast with the new developments.

Recognition and validation

Bitcoin was not born in a laboratory, or in the office of a central bank or at the office of a group of academics. Bitcoin was born under the guideline of a person or group of people that we don’t know who they are or how they collaborated.It is true that its development was promoted by a group of intellectuals and experts in cryptography, since in the list of Cypherpunks there are many academics. However, there is something in the creation of Bitcoin —in this myth who is Satoshi Nakamoto— which evokes an origin as a marginalized and illegal.The creator of Bitcoin does not have a face, nor even a real name. In case outside little, the first theoretical texts of this technology, a White paper was published on an Internet forum. Because of this, Bitcoin is not covered by the official protocol typical of the knowledge in university and government projects. There is a reputation based on the content, in the name or in the path of a person, but that this technology has had to carve their recognition and validation thanks to the decentralized development of their community.Due to the above, it is not strange that the technologies blockchains you have worked so hard to fit in the academic world.However, he ended up by achieving it. The university is today an authoritative voice in the eyes of the society and to the majority of governmental powers. What is discussed within these institutions is a national interest and contributes to the universal knowledge human. Because of this, it is no small thing that a growing group of universities decide to acknowledge the technologies blockchain, validándolas to society and valorandolas as worthy of study.

The university contributes

The reputation of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrencies grows while more support from the universities receive. If a respected voice tells us that something is good and deserves your interest, then the majority view is that it is also of interest. For example, recently the Dictionary of Oxford English (OED), published by the University press of Oxford in the United Kingdom, added this week, the word satoshi to your database.The institution not only offers a definition of the minimum unit of BTC, but also of the word blockchain, criptomoneda, mining and Bitcoin. If this were not enough, another interesting fact is that the dictionary OED does not modify or delete the definitions introduced in his database, by which the word satoshi will be there until the posterity.Although this type of news does not seem so important to the adoption and growth of Bitcoin, contribute greatly to the ecosystem is taken seriously. This is not a bubble or crazy idea, but a technology as important as for the university of Oxford decided to talk about it.Beyond recognition, I believe that universities can provide a place where they gather people interested in blockchain to think about how to develop and improve their performance.The blockchains public as Bitcoin have been developed in an impressive manner with the collaboration of individuals from very different parts of the world. However, I think these technologies could accelerate their development with adequate funding and with professionals focused 100% in their development. The university can become a centre of discussion that day tomorrow to make important contributions to the community bitcoiner.Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Breaking News.

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