Turkey, with a key role for the Blockchain and crypto-currencies

As we already reported in the past, the Turkey is an incredibly important role in Bitcoin Adoption. So the 82 million inhabitants the country is in a European comparison, the leader, in terms of the actual possession of crypto-currencies. In an interview with the state news Agency, Anadolu Agency, the Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao said that Turkey plays a key role in the development of the Blockchain and the crypto industry.


Binance CEO attested that Turkey has a key role

Only a month ago we already reported that there is a real Boom for crypto-currencies in Turkey. Because according to the ‘Statista Global Consumer Survey, 2019′ own currencies by about 20 per cent of the Turks Crypto. This number is the European leader – Germany, for example, is at just 8 percent. For the dissemination and acceptance of crypto-currencies, there might be some reasons for this:the high Inflation of the Turkish Lira, as well as the partial expropriation and freezing of Turkish accounts, many people have made is to invest your money in crypto-currencies. Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao attested to the currencies of Turkey is now a key role in the area of Blockchain and Crypto. So CZ said to the Turkish news Agency Anadolu Agency that Turkey has a really good Chance to become a pioneer in financial technology’.Ultimately underscore Zhao this statement again, in which he said the following:

Turkey is one of the most active countries in the area of the Blockchain and crypto-currencies. You will play a very important role in the financial world of Tomorrow.

Parallel to the Statement of the CZ is also a Binance Meetup in Istanbul took place last week. In the past, Binance shows an increased interest for the Turkish market. So the message is that you can buy in Turkey via Binance now Bitcoin with Lira, for example, is just a week old.

Turkey plans its own Cryptocurrency

Also because the global Trend is currently in the direction of digitization of national currencies, has decided to have the Turkey, now, to emit its own Cryptocurrency. So first Tests and Trials are to go with the Turkish Stablecoin already in the coming year equip.The best and safest stock market choose for you to opt for the right provider is not always easy. Therefore, we recommend that you take a look at our Bitcoin brokers & exchanges to throw a comparison. Trading on the safest and best exchanges in the world! To the Compared to the digital Lira, Turkey aims to boost the own economy and the existing dependencies against the Dollar reduce. So it is in a document of the Turkish government:

The main goal is to establish a financial sector with a strong institutional structure that is able to the financing needs of the real sector costs to cover conveniently, a broad base of investors through reliable institutions, various financial instruments and to support the goal of Istanbul, to be an attractive global financial centre.

By Binance positioned now fortifying in the Turkish market, tried CZ of course as early as possible market share to expand as the leading Exchange of the impending Boom to benefit. With regard to the digitisation of the national currencies of the Binance CEO also said that paper money disappear in the future, and the future of money is completely digital.Do you agree with the statement of the Binance CEOs? You was already aware of the fact that Turkey plays a key role for crypto currencies and Blockchain?Come in to our Telegram Chat and talk with the experts and the Community. Subscribe to our News channel to not miss any News. (Image Source: Shutterstock)

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