We analyze ENS, the service that allows you to assign names to addresses Ethereum

NSS is the name service of Ethereum, which allows users to perform transactions without the need to count directly with the address or public key of the receiver, since it links it to a readable name similar to that of a web page.This is an address of Ethereum: 0xFEFf40BAE240bd24d4A4AB2Ad9F86A57a73aa468. As you can see, this is a set of alphanumeric characters and case sensitive. Now, try to memorize all of this sequence of characters is another thing, because at least you have a prodigious memory makes it impossible to remember. It is for this reason that at the time of sending transactions usually copy and paste the address or scan your abstraction in a QR code. But in comparison, if you wanted to send a transaction to “miguel.eth”, it would be as easy to memorize as if it were a mail-in electric.The service ENS, uses the contracts intelligent Ethereum to bind human-readable names for people, like hector.eth, to identifiers, cryptographic machine-readable as hashes, addresses cryptocurrencies or metadata. All this through a decentralized network like the network of Ethereum.


ENS comes to give us life

This service allows owners to ether buy a single domain and assign it to an address of portfolio. The service allows you to purchase your domain name .eth, as for example michael.eth, doing that with just share it, as if it were your e-mail, you can send payments to either the ETH or any other token in the network of Ethereum from the portfolios compatible with this system.The rental of a domain in ENS ranging from 1 year onwards, and allows you to buy names from three characters forward. Such domains, in addition, may be transferred from owner, as provided by its owner.Likewise, NSS allows you to create subdomains, in which you can manage different addresses, portfolios or any other type of information that the system enable, according to the demands of the user, as for example: Possessing the domain criptonoticias.eth and alongside this have subdomains such as payments.criptonoticias.eth, help.criptonoticias.eth, or user define.

How it works ENS

DNS and ENS are relatives

Perhaps DNS (domain name System) is a little-known, but since it uses the Internet as it is known today, is used this service.Visiting a website is a simple task, simply put the address to which you want to access, for example www.criptonoticias.com and that’s it. But at the level of the network architecture the thing is not so simple.In the first place, the web portal is hosted on a server that can be accessed through an IP address like this, but obviously memorize an IP address is much more complicated than the name of a website. It is here where comes into play the DNS. These have a record of all web addresses along with associated IP addresses. So, at the time you access a website, the DNS will resolve the IP address where it is hosted that web page and redirect the user there.The foregoing, obviously, is a very general perspective of the operation of the DNS in the network. However, it serves as a point of reference to establish similarities between the two services. First of all, both services are in charge of resolving addresses, but NSS has an application much greater, since it also allows you to index in a same domain, different types of information such as: texts, drawings, emails, addresses cryptocurrencies and even web addresses. This last proposal is in development.

Architecture ENS

ENS is a system that works directly on the network Ethereum through contracts smart that allow you to run your protocol, which is divided into 2 parts: The log ENS and the solvers.The registry ENS is a contract smartphone that stores individual records with the following data:Address public owner of the domain. That is not the same to which the domain redirects.The address of the resolver domain.Life time of the domain.With respect to the solver, is the one who is responsible for a large part of the work, as the log ENS is only storage. Its function is to “translate” the name of the domain in the public address destination, already in the solver is where it is logged and the address or information that is tied to a particular domain. This is because, when you purchase a domain, not necessarily linked to the direction of the owner with the domain. The link is made subsequent to the acquisition of the same.Likewise, the solvers are contracts smart developed by a third party with the standards of the system ENS. You can use solvers public, suggested at the time of registration of the domain, or private developed by third parties.The role of a solver is the following.In the first step, the portfolio (User code) asks the registry ENS what is the public address of the solver in the domain foo.eth, and this will be returned to the application. Step followed the portfolio asks to the resolver the address indexed to the domain foo.eth and this will return the address destino.De this way the solver can find the public address associated to a domain. However, the information that is directly associated with the domain can be very large, whether domain names, texts, blueprints, other addresses in the portfolio including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, and web addresses, being the troubleshooter who will find the information required by the user.

The next step of ENS: EthDNS

Solutions decentralized similar to DNS abound, among which we find names like Namecoin, Handshake or Blockstack, that will more than improve seek to replace the domain name system, improving the encryption in the transmission of data through technology TLS would be the successor of the SSL encryption.Because of this, the team of Protocol Labs, developers of network protocol IPFS (an acronym for System Files Interplanetary) and the managers of ENS launched EthDNS. This system is the integration of IPFS and ENS to have a DNS that works in a totally decentralized both in the registration of domains by ENS as in browsing the Internet thanks to IPFS.This model, of course, is in full development and still works in a rudimentary form. However, it offers good expectations about a future where the dependence on centralized clearinghouses, which may censor the content which we can access, is almost zero.

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