Whales crypto then lash the price of Bitcoin

As we approach the end of this year, investors and those interested in the world of crypto are wondering which are the best courses of action in these moments. To do this, a guide validates that can be used is to observe what the whales do crypto and that trend continue. In the end, are great actors within the world of cryptocurrencies, and have great power of influence. At a general level, there have been movements in altcoins more than in Bitcoin. Many analysts have estimated that the Bitcoin will continue to drop until you get below the US$ 6700. This is worrisome for many investors because it represents a major contraction in its profit margins. However, at the time of writing this publication the Bitcoin is located in US$ the 7,276,62. The above represents an increase of 10.17% compared to the price of the day yesterday. Graph of Bitcoin in the last week This, in turn, represents a kind of whiplash important, because only in a matter of hours, the market took a turn considerable. The whales crypto also was made to feel this lash, but in a way less obvious than what many expected.


Additional data

The movements observed while this whiplash of the price of Bitcoin took place, include movements of Ether, USDC, and one in BTC. The whales crypto opt for moving Ether, but instead of accumulating, what you do is to change them on exchanges like Bitfinex. For example, Whale Alert reported a transfer of 43,918 ETH (US$ 5,645,021) to the address mentioned above. Some people commented on Twitter that it might be a strategy of Dump. Specifically, what they observe is a sharp increase and the emergence of large purchase orders for the part of the whales crypto for no reason of importance. Then, the contributions grow on a single platform, without any increase in other houses of change. However, we also observed a theft of 1000 ETH on UpBit that continues to worry the community of cryptocurrencies.

On the whales and USDC

The movements most important to the whales crypto include one made from the treasury of the USDC to a wallet unknown, in the amount of 10,000,000 USDC (US$ 10,018,253). The above could be a strategy of Pump, and even many recommend not to sell the Bitcoin that you have to change them for this stablecoin. The latter is further supported by the fact that 999,999 USDC were incinerated also in the period of time analyzed. If you want to know how to avoid falling into these strategies of scam on the part of the whales crypto, we recommend the following article.

On Bitcoin and USDT

Finally, the only movement in Bitcoin made by whales in crypto in the last few hours was one 781 BTC from Coinbase to a wallet unknown. Maybe some whales are waiting for the trend to be defined a little better, then the whiplash of price that was mentioned above. The handling of Bitcoin by whales in crypto do not have a trend so clear in the last few hours, but if you expect the price of this criptomoneda leader vary greatly. In terms of USDT, they expect more transactions in the last hours, as the movement’s most recent reported was the minting of 25.000.000 USDT reservations Tether. For its part, Bitcoin will depend on many factors, including the strategies of Pump and Dump that may be carried out in the next few hours. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.

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