10 things you need to know about Bitcoin

When it came to public light for the first time in the year 2008, no one imagined the power that the Bitcoin would accumulate. Today, eleven years later, not a day goes by without any news and updates regarding the criptomoneda most famous in the world. Therefore, it is essential that we share with our readers a list of 10 incredible events of the Bitcoin that you might not know.


1 – Satoshi Nakamoto is a game of words

Very well, this is easy. Therefore, all that we do life within the crypto community, we know that the real identity of the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is a mystery. However, there have been a lot of theories surrounding this topic, the most recent being that Satoshi is an anonymous donor of the criptomoneda Grin. But one of the theories that are most interesting, without doubt it is one that considers Satoshi Nakamoto, a combination of the names of several brands. And more specifically, the creator of Bitcoin would be a mixture of the names of Samsung, Toshiba, Nakamichi and Motorola. The name of the creator of Bitcoin would be a game of words

2 – There is a world beyond satoshis and BTC

If you have a wallet with Bitcoins, you probably know what a satoshi. That division of the BTC that is used to perform smaller operations, and that in practical terms, is what most of the people we have in our wallet. But less well known is the fact that there are more subdivisions beyond the satoshis. Including the Finney’s and the centi-Bitcoin. The criptomoneda has more divisions than one might expect

3 – The 21 million Bitcoin are a myth

It is a point in common to talk about the limit of mining of Bitcoin, which would be located in the 21 million tokens of the criptomoneda. The reality is different, because according to the code behind of the BTC, the maximum amount of mined is of 20,999,999.9769 Bitcoins. Quite similar to, but distinct from 21 million closed.

4 – is Not the same as “B” and “b”

The fourth fact is one to which practically no one in the crypto world pays attention to it, but is there. And that is, almost any person knows that there is a difference between “Bitcoin” and “bitcoin”. Therefore, when speaking of the criptomoneda with a capital B, we refer to the system of Bitcoin as a whole. While bitcoin in lower case would be the tokens of the currency.

5 – Give me two pizza please

When the Bitcoin was born, it was very difficult to imagine that he would attain the heights reached today. Without a doubt, not what he imagined the user of the criptomoneda that through a forum offered to 10,000 BTC to whoever will buy two pizzas and take them to your home. This happened on the 22nd of may 2010 (known as the Day of the Pizza Bitcoin), when 10,000 such BTC were worth about $ 40. Today, those same Bitcoins would have a value of 86.190.000. dollars.

6 – 1400 millions of dollars for attack the network Bitcoin

With the passage of time, the system Bitcoin has been getting stronger. To the extent that today, the ability to compute the Blockchain of BTC is so powerful. That to even start an attack against the network of Bitcoin, you would have to invest the amount of 1.400.000.000 of dollars. Nothing wrong in terms of security.

7 – We have lost 3 million Bitcoins forever

All that we have some criptomoneda, we know the care that the digital wallets to put in the security. Therefore, if you lose the password, and the words access to your wallet, the truth is that you’ve lost your cryptocurrencies forever. And that is what has happened with around 3,000,000 Bitcoins, which are frozen in wallets losses by their users, and without the possibility of being rescued.

8 – Bitcoin is NOT anonymous

One of the biggest myths in the crypto world is that the Bitcoin is anonymous. But no, the truth is that there is the possibility of being traced from your transaction in the Blockchain of Bitcoin. Because at the end of the day, to do the transactions we use the Internet, and therefore we have a IP. For this reason, security agencies like the FBI are able to track users of BTC.

9 – The Bitcoin is expensive

At the same time has increased the security of the network Bitcoin, it has also increased the needs for your mining. Therefore, the costs in infrastructure, energy, and time for each BTC are not a small thing. Being the same today at around $ 3,000 and $ 4,000 for every BTC mined.

10 – Your transactions are impossible to cancel

Finally, we close our list of the day today, talking about the transactions in the Blockchain of Bitcoin. Therefore, unlike financial transfers normal through banks with fiat money. Operations with Bitcoin are impossible to undo, so you have to take good care of to whom you send your money, and how much you send. The following two tabs change content below. Student of International Studies, interested in issues of economy and international politics. Passionate about the progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in general and the cryptocurrencies in particular.

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