Ounce joint! Russian Central Bank admits: “We can’t ban Bitcoin”

The Director of the legal Department of the Bank of Russia has admitted that Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, realistically, can never be in the country is prohibited.
Although crypto-currencies in Russia are not necessarily legal, you seem to be banned never.


Crypto currencies in Russia are safe?

Crypto-currencies have to fight in Russia for some time with a confusing and difficult legal Situation. So, for example, some crypto-currencies-linked Bank accounts could be in the country frozen. Crypto currency payments are also coming under fire because of the Russian ruble undermined.
The Russian Central Bank has repeatedly called for a ban, and will continue to be decided against Bitcoin position. It seems, however, that would prove to be the enforcement of such a dictation as impossible – and the Russian government has added the recently completely open to.
So Alexei Guznov, the Director of the legal Department of the Bank of Russia says himself that a ban would be simply impossible. He acknowledges, however, that crypto-currencies are actively used for money laundering and illegal activities.
He also stresses that crypto-currencies are “no money”. The output of Bitcoin can not be stopped, and Guznov says it is “unlikely that we are able to limit this”.

The Russians love crypto-currencies

There is no denying that crypto-currencies in Russia are still extremely popular. The critical behavior of the government seems all the more strange, considering how she herself is entangled in the world of crypto-currencies.
Last year it became known that an assistant of President Putin, a great Bitcoin Mining owns the Farm. The Russian state has also concerned itself with the creation of financial centres on the border between Russia and China, specifically for Trading crypto-money.
It seems, therefore, that the Russian state is more than willing to use crypto-currencies for its own purposes, its population, but to prevent it to do so.
The good news is that now you have admitted that you are not able to Crypto forbid currency in the country. So far, the fear was persistent, Bitcoin will be banned in Russia.

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