Reason for concern? Bitcoin network produces the third “Stale Block” in two weeks

At a distance of less than two weeks, the Bitcoin network has produced three so-called “Stale block”, so to speak, dead blocks. The Mining anomaly has not led to double expenditure.

Third Stale Block within two weeks

Bitcoin (BTC) was designed with the opportunity to explore two blocks at the same time – although it is a relatively rare event. In the last few weeks, however, occurred in rapid succession, dead blocks.
The BitMex-research was one of the last few weeks, three used blocks, another used Block was discovered in January.

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The dead blocks are worrying insofar as they could point to a Chain Split. However, since only one Block has been produced, it is rather an anomaly. The Bitcoin network Protocol will begin to propagate the Block, which was something discovered earlier.
The youngest of the Stale Block was discovered by Poolin – a influence Pool that has discovered a significant part of the blocks and in the last year to Hash-Rate, won be enough. Poolin manages to produce more than 16% of the blocks.
The valid Block in the amount of 619.970 was discovered by OKEx-Mining Pool that usually produces 9% of the blocks. Currently, the Bitcoin network is still dominated by a handful of large Pools, which together account for almost 60% of the blocks produce.
The Occurrence of dead blocks within days, comes at a time of increased Mining competition. The discovery of a Block Nonce can be a matter of luck, and with enough Hash-Power, which is directed to the network, can Block Nonces to be close to discovered together.
An expired Block could be in the case of transactions with a Zero-confirmation double-spent. However, this is still unlikely-friendly event.
The last two Stale Blocks, according to the 26. February took place, were also in a time of rapid Mining growth. Bitcoin Hash Rate reached peak values of about 136 Quintillion Hashes per second.

The ability to create blocks, you can go for the Miner of advantage, since they retain a certain amount of control over which transactions in the Block. Currently, it manages the miners, however, to integrate the majority of outstanding transactions in the blocks, whereby the number of outstanding requests in the Mempool is minimized.
It is the question of what happens to the inflated Hash Rate to halve in may, remains. Some predictions believe the ongoing competition for Bitcoin, while a part of the SHA-256 Hash Rate could be forwarded to the networks from Bitcoin, Cash, or Bitcoin, SV.

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