The adoption of a model, the $100,000 per Bitcoin before irresponsible to say “Lich”.

Only a few in the Bitcoin industry have never heard of PlanB. The pseudonymous Analyst who works at a European Institution, the tens of billions of dollars-balance-managed, but also as a Bitcoin Analyst is active, has won several tens of thousands of followers.
The reason: He is the Creator of the Stock-to-Flow-model, a model that suggests that the value of Bitcoin is derived first and foremost from the scarcity degree determined by the inflation rate of Bitcoin.
The model was tested with a R-square value of 95% (extremely accurate), suggests that Bitcoin will be after the halving of the block reward in just four weeks, a value of 55,000 to 100,000 US dollars spread over the next few years will reach.


Stock-to-Flow-model by the analysts as “irresponsible” means

In the last few days, Hugo Nguyen, a crypto-writer has led to a kind of debate against those who rely fully on the Stock-to-Flow model.
It all started when he said that “anyone who uses the ridiculous S2F-pricing model and the Flow as effectively Zero viewed, just stupid,” and added that Reductions in the future “anti-climatic, and, increasingly, a historical relic” will be.
In a Twitter Thread, the on 13. April was published, he said cause: “Bitcoiners, who dominate the popular model, in a lazy and irresponsible manner, FOMO”. He added that the model is based, in his opinion, to “2 pathetic data points”, wherein he refers to the fact that it has only been two Bitcoin Halvings.

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There are other reasons to be optimistic about Bitcoin to be

As well as you like the S2F model, Nguyen Bitcoin anything other than pessimistic. In fact, he is extremely bullish with regard to the future price development. Instead of the Stock-to-Flow-quote model, he explained that he evaluates the prospects of Bitcoin for the following four reasons to be optimistic:
The good properties of Bitcoin as a Form of money to an “unforgettable treasure”, with respect to the mine pure Server availability of 99.98 Percent, the potential of the Schnorr signature and the Taproot technology, which will increase the Usability of Bitcoin in many ways and potentially as a blessing for the introduction of act can
Not to mention the fact that there are macro-trends, the progress of the crypto-currency fall short of might favour. According to a previous report, such a Trend is the Belief of Ray Dalio, CIO of Bridgewater Capital, the largest Hedge Fund in the world, that he expected the establishment of a “new world order”.
While Ray Dalio is set against Bitcoin rather pessimistic, many in crypto-currencies, the most reasonable and most likely solution for the next monetary and technical solution for our world that is increasingly digital, and increasingly suspicious. Like the best of Chris Burniske of Placeholder Capital expressed:

“New technologies arise, when old systems break, and often it takes a crisis to the shortcomings of the old system completely uncover.

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