Ripple sold for up to 80% less XRP in the fourth quarter of 2019 at the latest, stock price drops by 22%

Ripple has, for the fourth quarter of 2019, for a total of 13,08 million dollars worth of XRP being sold. If you compare it with the 66,24 million in the third quarter, a decrease of 80%. It made a Ripple on Wednesday of last week on their website.


Two reasons for this

The decrease has two main reasons. The first one is the result of a decline in the direct institutional sale. The second reason is that a Ripple, a break is inserted in the systematic selling of XRP on various cryptocurrency exchanges.
‘Ripple set to the interval of the systematic and the sale continues, and we focus exclusively on the OVER-the-counter sales (over the counter) with a number of strategic partners. These and other partners to build on the implementation, and the degree of liquidity of XRP in the strategic region.’ Team Ripple describes the regions of EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) and Asia pacific.
As a result, the decrease of the systematic sales of the Ripple, in the fourth quarter was zero, compared with a 16,12 million dollars in the third quarter of 2019. In the second quarter and accounted for this kind of business is the largest part of Ripple’s volume by up to 144,6 million. But midway through the third quarter, the company decided to make this sale, all the way to have a pause, because there’s a message for it to came out that the exchanges and their trading better left to do than they actually were.
‘Ripple continues to be the benchmarks to assess, especially in light of the challenges, such as the nepvolume in the industry to continue to exist,’ according to the Ripple itself.

The price is responding to the emitter at the lower range

Investigative journalists from The Block to conclude that the sales figures for the fourth quarter of 2019, the lowest in the last three years. And despite the fact that there are less XRP in the market, the price in the opposite direction, it is responded to. The price of XRP in the fourth quarter, a 22 percent decline. XRP is the world’s third largest cryptocurrency in regards to the total fair market value. At this time, one XRP is a 20 euro cent worth. That’s 22 cents.

Around the world, the decline in the trading volume of XRP in the fourth quarter of 2019. For 17,24 billion traded, which is approximately 1 billion less than in the previous quarter.

Cryptocurrency Market